Faithful blog friends... I know that an update on the Monroe community kitchen is long overdue. So many of you have reached out to me with questions about the progress on the space and I want you to know that your curiosity and interest in this project continues to inspire and motivate me. Knowing that you're on this journey along with me, means the world to me. If I'm being honest, I've been hesitant to post an update because I don't have pictures of new windows, repaired doors or a shiny new roof to share with you. 😬 There actually haven't been any modifications or renovations to the space in the last 30 days. Don't let the lack of physical changes fool you into thinking that progress on the kitchen project isn't being made though. Quite the opposite really. There is a ton of work going on behind the scenes - in preparation for the renovation. Like, hours and hours and hours of work. 🤣 I've spent the last month walking through the kitchen building with contractors, roofers, architects, grant writers, church members and adventurous friends willing to brave the super tumultuous space to give me their input.😅 I'm learning about all of the rules and regulations of commercial kitchens, ADA accessibility and window efficiency. I'm learning to make sense of sight plans, decipher surveys and understand architectural drawings. I certainly never expected to add any of this to my list of credentials but here I am drawing up kitchen designs on restaurant napkins.🤣 I'm certainly not an expert at any of it but I'm doing my best to understand it all. I'm also learning to juggle all of my kitchen meetings, phone calls, emails and text messages with my catering responsibilities. It may sound like I'm complaining but honestly, the challenges that have come along with this Community Kitchen have been a welcome addition to my life. In case you were wondering, baking a couple hundred cupcakes in a day is strenuous but not very mentally stimulating.😜🧁 I'm learning to embrace the challenge of exploring new things. This kitchen project has also turned me into a daydreamer.🤔 I find myself imagining all of the cooks and entrepreneurs that will be able to launch and build their businesses in the community kitchen.👨🏽🍳 I'm envisioning all of the community members that will be able to participate in a cooking class in our studio kitchen space. Kids, adults, parents, - everyone.🥘 I dream about the beautiful events and parties that will take place in this amazing space. Even though I'm still sharing all of the before pictures of the building, rest assured that plans are definitely in the works for a brand new Monroe Community Kitchen. My hope is that by sharing the pictures and my thoughts, you too will start to see past the broken glass and boarded up doorways and start to see the vision that I have for this amazing building. I am truly thankful for all of your support and encouragement along the way. Be sure and check back in on the blog from time to time for kitchen updates.
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February 2025