Happy Easter - I know, I'm a day behind but there was no way that I was going to spend the precious time that I had with my family yesterday - blogging. We spent our afternoon in the park instead. We played some wiffle ball, some soccer and even threw a few corn hole bags. I am terrible at every single one of those sports by the way. 😂 Anyway, before we headed to church or the to the park for our Easter picnic, we had an adult child Easter Egg scavenger hunt at home. After years of trying to up my egg hiding game without any success, I decided to do things a little differently this year. I prepared two separate sets of clues (one for the boys and one for the girls) and hid them inside of the plastic eggs. Each egg contained a clue with a riddle to solve in order to find the next egg. The final clue led them to a place where they searched for their Easter basket full of goodies. It took them a little over 30 minutes to find all of their eggs and ultimately find their baskets. Judging from the laughter, I think everyone had a good time. It's never easy to fit egg hunting, Easter basket unwrapping, breakfast, showers and church in on Easter morning. (Especially when you have adult children who like to sleep in past 7:00.) To be honest, our Easter egg scavenger hunt trumped breakfast this year and I'm pretty sure that none of us actually sat down to eat breakfast yesterday. I served Crescent Roll Breakfast Ring, muffins, fruit and hard boiled eggs of course but most of what was consumed was eaten while in pursuit of the next clue on the scavenger hunt. And I've got to say - I was totally okay with that. Most days, I like to sit around the table with my family but on busy mornings, sometimes you just have to multitask. I'm not talking about eating a bagel while I'm in the shower or anything but grabbing breakfast on the run is not out of the question. This crescent roll breakfast ring is great because once you slice it, it becomes a little personal, hand held egg sandwich. The bread, the egg and the bacon are all wrapped up in one neat little package. And it's delicious. Crescent Roll Breakfast Ring 5 eggs 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper 8 slices bacon 8 oz crescent rolls refrigerated 1 cup cheddar cheese shredded 1 egg for egg wash, optional
Bake for 20 minutes at 375 or until the crescents are cooked and golden brown. I've been making this with turkey bacon and I definitely want to try adding some fresh spinach to my next one. The original recipe had some diced red pepper mixed into the eggs as well. So many combinations - so little time. I hope that you were able to enjoy some family time yesterday too. I certainly missed the family members that I didn't get to see but I appreciated the time that I got to spend with the ones that were here. And I'm already starting think about how to make next years Easter egg scavenger hunt even harder!! 🤣
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