A natural consequence of being a food blogger is that my friends get used to seeing me with my camera. On the rare occasions when I don't happen to have it with me - they ask me where I left it. They've come to accept the fact that they will not be able to eat a meal without waiting for the pictures to be taken first and they get accustomed to being photographed while chewing. For the most part, my family and closest friends are super tolerant of me sticking a camera in their face at the MOST awkward and inconvenient times. But they also have a way of letting me know when I get into picture overload. LOL Serves me right really --- that Ryan would turn the camera on me. Now I know exactly what it feels like to live with someone who is camera obsessed. Maybe he took my picture because he was concerned that I have far more food pictures on my computer than I have pictures of my children. hahaha (Life with a food blogger is not as glamorous as you might imagine - just ask my kids.) Just to be clear - the number of pictures that I store on my computer is NOT a direct reflection of the amount of love that I have for something or someone. Yesterday I took nearly 50 pictures of our dinner - and not a single picture of my family. :) So, without further delay - here are just a few of the flatbread pictures that I took yesterday. This warm grilled bread was REALLY good. It took a little bit of extra work but it was worth it. I prepared the dough a day in advance and then it took two people to bake it. (One to roll and one to grill.) This recipe makes 24 flatbread so we had PLENTY of leftovers to tuck into the freezer for future dinners. Grilled Flatbread 2 cups warm water 1 teaspoon yeast 1 cup warm milk 6 cups flour 2 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons olive oil
Cut each dough half into 12 equal pieces. Shape each into a ball.
Use a fork to prick holes into the dough so that it doesn't puff up. (This is what happened when we didn't fork the dough.) Flip the dough once it's browned on the bottom and brown on the other side. Serve warm or reheat in the oven, wrapped in foil. We ate these flatbreads with marinated skirt steak and it was DELICIOUS. These would also be good with some fresh baba ghanoush or hummus or even as a thin crust pizza. I'm so glad that I have extra flatbread in the freezer. Enjoy.
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February 2025