Hello long lost blog friends. It's been waaay to long since I've posted a recipe on my blog. There's really no good excuse for my absence but I feel as though I owe you an explanation at the very least. I've been wanting to develop a NEW website that is strictly devoted to my business for a while now and I finally bit the bullet. Since my website developer is "yours truly" - I've been a little consumed with website design lately. Not sure the word "consumes" accurately describes my level of pre-occupation with this website for the last two weeks. I literally had dreams about website templates last week. I'm happy to say that all of my hard work has paid off and my new website is up and running. For those of you who would like to check it out - head over to www.deliciousbakery.net and take a look. Those of you who follow my blog regularly, will recognize a lot of the foods on my new site. The new site has a list of foods that I frequently sell along with a comprehensive price list. I did not put any recipes on the new site so I will continue to update recipes on this site. I will use both websites from here on out - one for recipes and one for business orders. So without further ado - the newest recipe for my collection: Honey Mustard Chicken Salad. Honey Mustard Chicken Salad Dressing / Marinade: ⅓ cup honey 3 tablespoons whole grain mustard 2 tablespoons smooth and mild Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon minced garlic Salt to season 4 skinless and boneless chicken thighs or chicken breasts For Salad: ¼ cup diced bacon, trimmed of rind and fat 4 cups Romaine lettuce leaves, washed 1 cup sliced grape or cherry tomatoes 1 large avocado, pitted and sliced ¼ cup corn kernels ¼ of a red onion, sliced
Place lettuce, tomatoes, corn, avocado and onion in bowl. Whisk 2 tablespoons of water into the remaining untouched marinade / dressing and drizzle over the salad. Sprinkle the chicken and bacon over the top and season with a little extra salt and cracked pepper For those of you who live in the Monroe, Georgia area - I invite you to browse through my new website before you place your next order. Www.deliciousbakery.net is a tool designed to help you plan your next catering event. I hope that you will check it out.
10/21/2019 04:25:32 am
My family loves to eat some food and they are also health conscious. This meal is a good addition to the collection that we have. Chicken is a good source of protein and they are good for building muscles and an alternative to carbohydrates. We can achieve that body that we want if we are disciplined enough and we know how to control the foods that we eat. In this simple steps big rewards are in the making.
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February 2025