Have you noticed that there are a whole lot more impulse items to tempt customers who are standing in line waiting to check out at the grocery store lately? Retailers have gotten smarter about what they display to their captive audience trapped in that lane. What used to be just gum, candy bars and magazines has expanded to chapstick, batteries, pain relievers, hand sanitizer and even toys. I honestly think that parents of toddlers who manage to get through that "aisle of temptation" without giving into to the pleading of their children - deserve a medal. I have a hard enough time stopping MYSELF from handing those $1 or $2. dollar "can't live without" items to the cashier as I check out. The one thing that I absolutely cant resist while I'm in the grocery store line, is a Scor bar. (Luckily I don't find it in many grocery store check out lanes.) English toffee is my weakness so when I found this recipe for toffee squares, I HAD to make it. Obviously, this is not a traditional English Toffee but the buttery shortbread and salted almonds really take this toffee to a whole new level. If you are a toffee fanatic like me - my suggestion is to NOT make this recipe. (You may or may not eat the entire batch by yourself.) Hmmm... Toffee Squares 1 1/2 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 10 Tablespoons butter 1/3 cup brown sugar 1/3 cup powdered sugar 1/2 cup plain toffee bits 1 cup mini chocolate chips 3/4 cup chopped almonds Line 9x13 pan with 2 sheets of foil perpendicular to each other. Spray with cooking spray.
Press dough into prepared pan. Bake 20 minutes at 350.
Sprinkle almonds over chocolate. Sprinkle with remaining toffee bits and let sit at room temperature 3 hours. Cut into squares and serve. These cookies are as beautiful as they are decadent. I may or may not have over induldged in these toffee squares. Let me just say from experience that these are great with breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything in between. Don't judge. :)
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February 2025